Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What a cute kid!

My Aunt Esther took this picture at a family breakfast that we had at Uncle Don's house. I could be wrong but he's gotta be the cutest baby ever. Someone said that he's even cuter than the Gerber baby. But I just thought this was a great picture and so I wanted to share it.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a very cute picture, too!! Such pretty blue eyes :-). Aunt Esther does a good job with her new camera, doesn't she? Love to all - Aunt Mern

jeff said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad that you updated with that beautiful picture. Keep up the good work!

Grandpa Mc

Tricia said...

You finally updated! I was beginning to think that you had deserted the blogging world. :) Glad to see the new pic.

Aimee said...

Jordan is definitely someone to be PROUD of! ABSOLUTELY, cuter than the gerber baby ;) So glad you updated! PLEASE keep it up.=)

Sheri Brewer said...

Nice to see a new picture. I have been waiting to see the cutie pie. He is something to be proud of so keep the updates coming. Sheri

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a cutie! I get to see him quite often in person but like to see the newest pictures also.
Mom Major

Jim & Lolly Brewer said...

What beautiful blue eyes!! He's a cutie. Sheri's MIL, Lolly Brewer

oneybunchofoats and other fine things said...

Hey, you want me to do one of these things but you haven't even updated yours in 2 weeks!!!!! What's up with that? I want to know about your life! Come on, update!